
I followed that person's advice (in link above) and did a "Clear and Reset" but I did it for just the To Do list and Now Playing Data. I had a screen that said "This will take an hour" and left it alone. I came back about an hour later and saw "Almost there, just a few more minutes" (meaning the unit had just rebooted) and then it went back into the "This will take an hour" screen. So, the Tivo is in a reboot loop even during the Clear and Reset phase. I might leave it a few hours to see if it can resume where it left off, but I have a feeling this thing may be hosed.

I'll try to install 4.01b on the drive if all else fails and try to see if I can do a HD check in the process. I heard the 6.0 causes reboots of its own... any feedback on this Rob? If the drive isn't the issue, then I've ordered a HDVR2 motherboard off of eBay. They guy swears it works, but it's just the motherboard. If I have bad RAM or something, that should help.

Damn, it really sucks when the Tivo goes down! It's the one my wife uses too, so she's stressed out. But at least we were able to pull her shows off of it via HMO.
Brad B.