I have a 600gb Raid 5 array made up of 6 160gb Maxtor PATA drives and a Promise SX6000 card with 128mb of ram. 5 drives make up the array and the sixth is a hot spare. This is installed on an older Asus socket7 board running Win2k and not much else. Its function is to hold dvd's for my theater. I access it via lan from the HTPC running Xlobby as the front end. I have been running this system for a couple of years.
Since the beginning I have been plagued with issues. More than once the array has gone done with simitaneous drive failures. Yep, more than one drive being seen as bad at the same time. In the beginning I had to rebuild the array and than rerip all of my dvd's a MAJOR pita. I finally learned that I could just delete the array and than make a new one exactly like the old one, start it up with no init and no sync and it would come back up with the data intact! The system has been running flawlessly for months. Last night I looked at the array and found that it was rebuilding itself due to a single drive failure. OK, Thats possible. This morning it was rebuilding itself again, back to the drive it said was bad last night. These are drives 1 and 2. All drives are configured as single masters. Drive temeratures are in the 110 F range, drive voltages are 11.85 and 4.87 as repoted by PAM. All 6 drives are mounted in Promise slide in drive enclosures. I have replaced the PS with a quality unit some time ago. Any ideas as to what might be going on?
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