I finally started giving RSS a real chance about a month ago, using NetNewsWire on my Powerbook... and I'm mostly sold. I used to incesenctly go to websites and refresh them multiple times daily, but now I just open NetNewsWire either once in the AM or PM, and just go down the list, clicking links that I want to read, which will pop them open in a tab in the built in browser. Then I go through the tabs, and if I want to add the URL to del.icio.us, I can just click a button and it's there.

It's actually streamlined my web browsing a LOT. The only bad thing is that it takes a LONG time to go through it all, sometimes an hour or more, instead of sort of spreading it out over the day. The good thing is that it's helped me stop randomly clicking open my web browser as a distraction to procrastinate, since I know I've already read everything I wanna read.
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