Regardless, you have a lot more work to do than just having a bootable CD.

Right, here's how you get it to work. If you want to do an unattended install of Windows, via a network boot, you will need to:

  • Create a Windows PE image. You'll need to register with MS as a Gold Partner, or as an OEM system builder. Alternatively, look at BartsPE. Either way, you'll need to build a Windows PE image using Windows 2003 SP1, so that you can boot it into a RAM disk.
  • Configure the DHCP/TFTP servers as documented at that link I gave earlier. This will cause the machine to network boot into Windows PE.
  • On a file server somewhere, install a copy of Microsoft Automated Deployment Toolkit (ADT). You can find a copy at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itsolutions/branch/default.mspx.
  • Configure your newly-created WinPE image to run ADT's Build-Baseline.cmd file, causing the machine to do an unattended installation of Windows. It will also configure the machine to do an unattended installation of other stuff, using an ADT script. You can configure this, or turn it off.
-- roger