Phone insurance fraud is rampant here in the UK, a recent estimate said that the majority of phone robberies were actually just so that people could get the latest phone,

Well, at the time I bought this, the black razr was one of the newest most sought after phones. Doesn't quite seem right.

For what it's worth, I bought my cel phone from Amazon and had no problems at all. When you bought your phone, was it still packaged and sealed as new, or was there any indication that it might have been a returned item?

This was at least the third one I've bought from them. Everything was still plastic wrapped with no indication of anything having been used.

Amazon owes you a new phone. If you press them, I'll bet you can get some kind of concessions as well. I'd personally use this as a chance to demand a better phone and/or a nice pile of phone accessories gratis.

Um, you get me implicated in a few felonies, I think you owe me a bit more than a replacement phone and a free headset. Unfortunately, I can't call them and start screaming yet, as I don't want to do anything to derail the cops, nor have I spoken to my lawyers yet, since it's Yom Kippur, and I'm not about to call either of them unless it's a truly life or death situation, which this is not. I'm just really, really, unamused right now.

But given her description, that doesn't sound like the case. That sounds like small time, not "all manner of other nastiness associated with said stolen phone."

Yeah. 5 of them showed up, this is no small time crime. They only sent 2 for death threats.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony