tabstop should never be set to anything other than 8. You really should be using what vim calls 'softtabstop' (along with 'shiftwidth'), which allows you to edit as though a tabstop is 2 spaces, but leaves the tabstop definition at the standard 8 spaces.
I'm trying understand what you're saying here, but I don't get it (not a vim user if that matters). Why would you want your tabs set to 8?

I usually indent everything 2 spaces and have my editor set to insert spaces instead of tabs. Of course, with the editors I use (VS.net and Delphi) the whole tab functionality is really obsolete anyway. VS.net formats your code as soon as you put your closing brace and Delphi has a "smart tab" which inserts spaces up until you reach the next character-after-a-space on the previous line (or the most recent line that extends as far as you're typing).

However, on this subject, tabs in general just drive me nuts. In fact, if the editor doesn't have the option to insert spaces instead of tabs, I just ignore the tab button. I hate opening code in a different editor and having it look like garbage because the previous program used a different tab setting than the one I have now. I am experiencing this most with SQL code right now.

And on THAT subject, why is it that no one seems to ever format SQL code? I realize it's a totally different animal than regular code, but certainly you can find something consistent to do with it.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.