Umm, how about buying an X-Box 360 when they come out?
Gotta be much easier than swapping out machines etc...
I figure the machines really need swapping anyway, there's no point having an XP3200 cooking away when all it's really doing is fetching mail, serving the odd webpage and capturing some DTT recordings, might as well let the old P3 do that. A specced out 360 is going to be £270 it seems, a new, quality gfx card is probably only going to be £130-odd quid.
I'm a bit of a fickle person at the best of times, it might be that six months down the road I go off games again. Then I'll just have another games console gathering dust alongside my PSOne and N64. Having a powerful graphics card could be useful later. I've already got a DVD player and my shuttle in the living room so it's not like it could serve any other useful purpose, at least until they get xbox360 linux running on it. By then it could be even cheaper too.
Andy M