I chose "Economic Meltdown", not because it is the precursor of the others, but because it is the only choice that refers to an absolutely inevitable event.

We are headed for a global economic trainwreck that will make 1929 seem mild by comparison. If you think the government or any other entity can prevent it, you are living in a dream world. The bridge is already out and it is too late to stop the train.

And that's my optimistic scenario. Give just a little bit of thought to a tax base shrunk into non-existance, the failure of government services (does "Police" come to mind) and the fact that there are actually more guns in this country than there are people... Think Beirut in the 1980s.

And don't think you're safe because you don't live in the US. Economically speaking, when America sneezes the whole world catches cold.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"