It's about time I got a Palm. Primarily to always have my contacts, calendar, tasks, and files. Secondarily for cool technology I currently don't have: GPS display, wireless internet, maps-to-go, city info. Tertiarily for cool whiz-bang gadgetry I don't really need: portable MP3s, videos, games, IM, etc.

Must ba a Palm, I've got enough Windows in my life already. I've narrowed it to three:
Palm TX - big screen allows cool apps, video, etc.
Treo 650 - LOVE the keyboard, phone helps combine gadgets
Tungsten C - love the keyboard, but that's all.

Some of the deal breakers:
Can I run the cool 320x480 apps on 320x320? If not, maybe get the TX.
Can I learn to scribble on the TX? If not, maybe get Treo or C.
Can I disband my beloved Motorola StarTac 7868W? If so, get the Treo.

Other questions:
Are the Treo and C good enough for "1st person GPS maps" with audio directions?
Can I get a Wireless SD/MMC card to network the Treo?
Does anything make the C better than the other two?
Can I get a big SD/MMC card and use the Palm for file storage?
What's this about the Treo and C need an expansion card to play MP3s??
Is the trusty T5 simply dwarfed by the TX?

I have access to a Treo, so should really experiment with that. But I so love the StarTac simplicity, clamshell case, and mic you actually speak into (POTS handset style).

Any advice for a guy who's clinging to his floppy disk, pocket calendar, antique phone, and stickey notes?
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set