Thanks for the news on Target Alert. I tried it but didn't like it because of how it messes with formating. That mouseover feature sounds good.

I tend not to use any fancy extensions. The very first thing I do after installing Firefox, however, is to install the Clone Window extension. When I first started using the browser, the main difference between it and IE that was a major usability issue was the inability to create a new window with the contents of the current page. This is something I use all the time. I was happy that someone else agreed.

I also use Tabbrowser Preferences

The last one I have installed at the moment is GreaseMonkey with Platypus. Greasemonkey is particularly nice for someone who reads Engadget all day long, as I can remove everything but the stories from the page after it loads. Yeah, I could get an RSS feed, but that's been discussed in another thread. I don't like RSS very much.

That's all I have. Every once and a while I browse the extensions pages, but I rarely find something extremely usefull and written well.