The OS is too dependent on intertwined libraries and installers and registry entries and such.

That is true for nearly all mainstream operating systems in use today.

I disagree. Any Unix is pretty solid in respect to this sort of thing. Worst case scenario is some important application library gets screwed up and a lot of applications stop working, in which case you've still got all of your data easily accessible. Or a system library gets screwed up and it won't boot, but I've never seen that happen from just installing an application. It's still very easy to get at your data, and probably very easy to fix.

But installing an application would never cause a problem like that. Applications are very self-contained. Then again, with a lot of the Gnome nonsense these days, they want you to have fourteen mututally incompatilble library versions at the same time. That's why I try to avoid that shit. But then again, that's just application-level stuff.
Bitt Faulk