But this may answer it: what if it was in Detroit instead of New Orleans and the Detroit mayor had said he wanted to prevent the workforce from being inundated by Canadians?
Don't get me started on those damn Canadians!! 
Well, that's exactly my point. People are getting all up in his business, claiming that he hates Hispanics, when, in fact, he was simply saying that he wants local people who are currently out of work to be given the opportunity to work at these reconstruction jobs without being lowballed by illegal immigrants.
I agree. Are you suprised? Anyone that talks about stopping illegal immigration is labled a racist by the same argument. I think that his comments are being misinterpreted by overly sensitive people, but I have to be honest that part of me finds it a bit funny that for once it isn't happening to a Republican.
Honestly, my guess is that in addition to the point you brought up, he's also worried that a large number of residents are not coming back (especially after being exposed to other parts of the country and having lost all they have back home) and many of the immigrant workers (illegal or otherwise) have said they intend to stay. As a politician, he likely is a bit concerned that most of his voters are gone.
I too was disgusted that New Orleans residents weren't being given these jobs at reconstruction until I thought about the fact that the workers rushing to New Orleans likely already have the skills to do the job. Being in construction, I've come across a few job sites that had illegal Mexican immigrants and I have to admit I was impressed with their skill at dry walling or masonry or whatever. These skills are usually learned over years to be any good at them so I think it's partly unrealistic that all of the displaced citizens of New Orleans could be expected to do reconstruction by themselves. I by no means support what's going on down there with the reconstruction and the hiring of illegals, but I think both sides arguing their points are over simplifying things. (Just like the "They're only doing work that American's don't want to do" argument is BS. I know plenty of out-of-work construction workers that loved their jobs. They just like to be paid for it.)
This feels like an opposite sketch on You Can't Do That on Television.
> Democrats are falsely being called bigots and SE_Sport_Driver is saying things are more a shade of grey instead of black or white! 
Brad B.