the best road trip I've ever been on was to nowhere. I thought of all the places I could get to and see inside of a days drive, but nothing really pulled me in its direction. so I flipped a coin, and more than once. I just got on the road, and every now and then I flipped a coin and went left or right depending on the coin.
I know it sounds silly, but I ended up at a water park, a casino, a few small biker towns, a national park and many other odd places.
what I learned is that had I planned to see all that I did, I would have been rushing myself around, spending more attention on the 'getting there' than I would have liked. I never felt rushed, if I didn't like the traffic or the look of the road I was on, I just pulled out my trusty coin and gave it a flip.

on the other hand I tried the same thing last month and found myself in Carson, NV. that place sucks in a large way. but I just kept going until I found something I liked (north lake tahoe). so it all worked out in the end.

now matter where you end up, I hope you enjoy your trip.
