Seems both companies had their heads so far up their asses they forgot about the most basic information they could share and instead focused on useless crap like member photos.
What about images/stills of the shows available in the schedule? Extended cast/crew data, reviews, etc..? That's what Yahoo has over Google right now, yet I see no mention of taking advantage of this IP. Even exporting TiVo's thumbs back to Yahoo to augment their reviews would be possible.
TiVo is ripe to be plucked out of existence. I'm not surprised it hasn't happened only because it would cost a lot of money for a start-up, and doesn't offer compelling enough revenue gains (yet) for the established large-players.
I know one company that could put something out tomorrow and 18 months from now would have something more popular than TiVo has ever been. And in 24 to 30 months a brand-name (in that space) more popular as well. In about the same amount of time enough mindshare that the general public also thinks said company invented the concept. It isn't Microsoft. They're not going to get there with $2000 Media PCs.