Moments ago, I hit the website and ordered one of those newfangled "empeg" thingies.

[leaping with excitement]

I figured that the only people who would understand my excitement over it would be all of you, so I wanted to share the experience.

What can I expect from the Empeg folks in the way of confirmations and recepits and such? (Its really only been, oh, 10 minutes since I placed the order and I am already looking for responses! . Hehehe... )

But I would like to say that a few threads out here did get me off the fence and order one. This forum's vast knowledge and experience (and friendliness) all add value to the empeg.

I look forward to wracking the FAQ's and bugging everyone with questions, but not as much as I look forward to a FedEx guy on my doorstep!

(Oh yeah, and if I don't like the empeg, I'll bill all of you out here... heheheh )
