System Prefs, Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard Shortcuts, choose the All Controls radio button at the bottom

Yes, this is already set. That works for all system dialog boxes. It does not work for forms and links within a web page. The option I described above (in the initial thread post) for Safari counts for forms and links within a web page.

To get the mac to behave like windows in this respect, I need to set both: The system prefs option, and the Safari option. There's just no corresponding option for Firefox.

Here is an example of the situation I'm talking about:

Let's say I have a login form on a web page that contains Username, password, and a "remember me" checkbox, then a submit button

My standard finger muscle-memory is to type the username, press TAB, type the password, press TAB, press the spacebar to check the "Remember me" checkbox, press TAB, and press space to activate the SUBMIT button.

On the macintosh, I have to use the mouse to hit the "remember me" checkbox because TAB doesn't go to it, unless I set that option in Safari. Now I want to do the same in Firefox.
Tony Fabris