Don't get a GeForce FX5xxx, they are brutally slow.

While I realize the 5xxx series didn't exactly live up to the hype, your statement is rather biased in the other direction. I have a Giga-Byte built 5700 Ultra that plays HL2 and CS:S at 1024x768 quite nicely, without changing any of the default recommended settings.

It lives in a second computer that is used by friends and family for playing games. It's amazing how everyone becomes interested in what I'm playing (currently Need For Speed Most Wanted and Counter Strike: Source).

Edit: Since I have had both ATI, and more recently, nVidia cards, I am not advocating one over the other. In fact the next time I upgrade, I will be reviewing the cards from both sides that fit my price range. I willingly suffer through the tedious process of reading reviews and specifications and details on new technology (not too in depth, mind you) to be satisfied that I made the right decision when I give my money away.

Edited by DeadFire (27/11/2005 15:53)