Rob... I was saying I was hoping I misinterpreted you as I DID take it for a slam... but it apparently wasn't meant that way... I am sorry. I was trying to clairfy the install, though.

I did reach in the space after removing the hot empeg and it was very warm in the whole area. I did not feel a leak but that doesn't mean there isn't one. I had not seen this as an issue before posted with BMW's but I can't read every post and really until about 3 weeks ago I was interested in Acura relatted items and not BMW's... I was hoping some of the other E36 people had either seen the same thing or had a solution...

I am thinking now that maybe the temp controlled switch to that hard drive cooler might be a solution. Before I had always constantly had it running and it was far too noisy. But if I were to only turn it on if the temp was over "x" then it might be more manageable. And I really think this is only going to be a winter issue with the car because if there is a leak in the ducting, the summer should leak AC air...