But (and I'm probably wrong) I read what you said as someone doing it intentionally.
Right and wrong- what I'm saying is that people do it unintentionally all the time. For me personally thought, if I didn't have faith to hold me to my instincts I would probably try to work to overcome a lot of them. I doubt I'd ever make it up to murder because my instincts are too strong. However, I'd view that as irrational, even if I couldn't do it. Of course, this is completely hypothetical. I can't imagine myself being that person because it is so different than who I am. The only thing I know for certain is that my faith (for the most part) keeps me from knowingly allowing the errosion of even the smallest of moral instints.

What I'm getting at is that I don't see a reason that someone would start down that road.
If a person logically evaluates that a life lived without the constraints of moral instinct would be more rewarding, that would certainy be a reason to start down that road.

This whole concept would make an interesting idea for a novel or movie, don't you think? Someone intentionally trying to errode away their moral instincts to make for a better, more self serving life?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.