I was very close to buying a nintendo ds yesterday, but something held me back:

There's 5 shops in this town that sell it, 3 of which belong to the same franchise.
First i went to check the prices, every single shop sold it for 149.99€.
Allright i thought, guess that's the price nintendo is forcing them to charge.

There's no package deals with a game included, so i had to find a 1st game with it. My choice was 'New super mario bros.' Price: 42.50€ !!, again exactly the same price in all those shops. At that point i just decided not to buy it.

I may end up buying one with one of those supercards to play downloaded roms.
Or i might just upgrade my palm tungsten E to a T-X or Lifedrive to play LJP
Anyone have a Zodiac for sale?
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