Ok, I got sidetracked while working on my Bluetooth project to take a look at the web party interface and what kind of work it would take to make it a reality. One thing is missing to make the party interface work, and that is a list of the current running order - a before and next view on steroids, basically. That data exists on the dynamic data partition, and I got some code from tonyc a while ago to pull fids out from it. THAT gave me the idea of creating a web service on the Empeg to output a list of tracks in XML based upon a track number. The idea is this:

Read /proc/empeg_notify to find out what track number we are on (notify_Track)
Pass that track on to the web service, which gives an XML representation of the current running order
Integrate the current running order into the Empeg Web Lite interface

So I wrote the web service. This is attached, it's called xmlplaylist. Please consider this a pre-alpha, it hasn't been tested a lot because of reasons I'll go into later. The binary should be run from telnetd while the player is running. After starting the program, point your web browser to:


and you will get an XML file representing the first 20 tracks of your current running order. len tells the service how many tracks to get back, and prev tells it how many tracks to get before the current track (to show a few tunes before the currently playing one).

Here's the problem.

I can't use it like it is in EWL because of Mozilla's Same Origin policy. This is a good thing for Mozilla users, bad for my web interface. It basically says a script on http://empeg/ will NEVER have permission to access data coming from http://empeg:8080/ because they are different websites. I have the data, but I can't use it.

Any suggestions?

271495-xmlplaylist.zip (516 downloads)

Mark Cushman