Displayserver is undergoing some heavy rewriting; I'm experimenting a lot to get the best performance without interfering with the player-executable.
The next version is 2.0 and won't be available before 1.1 is out. It will probably also work on 1.02 and earlier, but I guess there are going to be so many new features in 1.1 everybody is going to enjoy, that displayserver 2.0 should be released some time later to be "the icing of the cake"
Damn, it's so hard to write something funny when english is not your mothertongue. While I type, I see the school-english streaming on the screen. I guess(I guess i am a guesser

) I really sound/write like an old man.
As for the "remote in the applet" thing, I'll put that version up tomorrow...
Frank van Gestel