Spoiler (we need a ROT13 hover mode or something):
I don't see how he's wrong. I think we can both agree on the first part, and that that takes up 30 minutes. The second part is probably the contentious one, and it seems to me that that's correct, too. It's already burned 30 minutes, and burning from both ends means it's going to burn the remaining 30 minutes at double-speed.
More Spoiler-
If you think of it in terms of % of time burned, then it certainly makes sense to me... 100%=60 minutes. Let 50% of the *time* burn and you don't have 50% of the length, but still the amount of fuse has been used that would have burned that percent of time anyway.
So, burning from both ends of fuse 1 doesn't give you the middle of the length of fuse, but will give you the middle of length of time (30 minutes).
If fuse 2 is lit from one end at the same time that fuse 1 is lit from both ends, then fuse 2 only has 30 minutes left to burn when fuse 1 is gone. Cut that time in half by starting the 2nd end of fuse 2.

/cheated by looking
//agreeing with the answer is still fun
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