I use ZTree (A newly written knockoff of the old XTree file manager program). You tag files first to do any sort of operation on them (or use Cntl-T to mass tag) and then use commands like M or CnTL-M to mass-move files. Works like a charm, also very powerful for renaming files. I use it all the time for much of my file manager needs....

It doesn't suffer from that initial lag when starting up in a large directory because you have to log the files first that you want to operate on (Alt-Log-Branch). So it selectively lets you log files to work with.

I've been using XTree and now ZTree for 15 years, great stuff....

Thanks, Randy
Happy owner of 2 Centrals, 2 Empegs Mk2a 160GB, 1 Empeg Mk2a 60 GB, a Rio Riot, 4 Rio Receivers, and two 1GB iPod Shuffles...