Ah. I seem to recall it was the Sony units that had the "magic focus" button four years ago. Am I right?

You're definitely dealing with a hardware problem related to the convergence board. It's either not storing its convergence settings, or the logic for the magic focus feature is failing, or the optical sensor that is the heart of the magic focus feature has a dead bug on it, or something like that.

I'll bet the people on the hometheaterspot forums can help you narrow down the problem. I'll bet you're not the only one who's had this happen. Go to the site, hit "Boards", then hit the "Manufacturer's Spot" boards, then hit the "Sony" board. Post the exact same thing you posted here, with the same photo links, and someone will help you. Make sure to post your exact model and tell them what you told us about having already hit the magic focus button.
Tony Fabris