
Also, if this is COM interop, can't you just use a server EXE? This would be a single process (as long as the ASP pages are all running under the same account).

I have no idea. I didn't even know that you could create a C# class exposed via COM interop as a server EXE, all the examples I have seen are DLLs rather than EXEs.

Knowing my luck I'd spend a day getting the component working in an EXE server via COM interop, only to discover that for some arcane reason you couldn't connect to it from Javascript within ASP...

I think for the moment I am going to just go with the Mutex solution and see if I can find time to investigate a better approach later (where have I heard that before ). The component in question is already code complete apart from this issue.

They only decided today that it needed to be robust in a multi user environment. I know that sounds odd given that it is a website. However, this C# component is only used when the admin switches the site into design mode to make some changes, at which point we were only supposed to be supporting a single user.

Edited by andy (13/12/2005 21:55)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday