Those super-high resolution images are cool. Thanks for the link.
I knew that comment would tweak some people. I love the outdoors, especially remote mountain areas. There are places where you can be 50 miles, maybe even a bit more, from the nearest road in the lower 48. It's wonderful to go to one of those places.
Going to Alaska forever changed my opinion of what a wilderness is. The most remote area in the continental US is like a suburb compared to "bush Alaska". It's just a completely staggering, mind-blowing experience. It's wilderness, where you can very easily disappear and never come back and you are very aware you are not the top of the food chain. It is just HUGE and the ground is being born right before your eyes. You SEE these immense and eternal geological processes right before your eyes and you are swallowed up by it all.
I was exaggerating in my original post. There are some very remote, dangerous and beautiful places in the lower 48. But Alaska was just... I can't even put it in words. It's just not the same category somehow. It was emotionally overwhelming. Staggering. Well, I give up. Words can't explain it.
Edited by TigerJimmy (19/12/2005 03:52)