these people seem intent on simply removing those freedoms completely... Then we're told its for our own good... All movements of vehicles... All electronic communications... will be logged and the records kept for years... identity papers... dozens of details... neofascist... database... accessible to... anyone who works for the government... without any public vote or discussion... disinformation campaign... mandated by eurocrats... the police... instant ability to know who you are, where you live, where you've been... who you've talked to... you will have little comeback if/when something goes horribly wrong...

Well, from your government's perspective, it's a good thing you guys gladly turned in all of your guns and sharp knives in the last few years. Otherwise, there could be a revolution. But I guess for now you're stuck with Big Brother.

If something goes horribly wrong in America, I'm going to start shooting, just like my great great grandfather did 230 years ago. That's one reason why I'm thankful that my home country has the 2nd amendment. Maybe y'all should re-think gun control policy and take back control of your government.

But I know, I'm sure any level-headed Brit would say that's absurd.

But aren't these laws absurd?