I got the units a few days back, and got Palantir working on both. I forgot how slow the Palm III serial syncing was, even when set to 115k. It took over 30 minutes to send the pdb file to the Palm, draining the included batteries down to near zero in the process. To be fair, my pdb is generated from nearly 10,000 tracks. This might not be the best Palm for anyone doing lots of syncs to the empeg.

The Palm does seem to do fine with it so once the file is there, the system requirements are low enough to allow this to be usable. My situation though will probably see little use of it though. I hadn't realised the program only does the selection by artist first, and this really doesn't work well for my particular empeg. Great work though Mark on the program, it looks like a great application for parties and such, or picky passengers.