Heh, probably 404'd because it used *gasp* an existing piece of copyrighted music.

You didn't miss much. All it was was this: Characters from World of Warcraft doing their built-in dance moves, and edited to fit a ripped audio track from the album version of Avenue Q. Truthfully, the amusing part of it was the song. The video portion was a big *shrug*. It was only funny to me because I've never seen Avenue Q before, so I'd never heard the song. The song itself is quite funny all by itself and doesn't need the WOW video treatment to make it funny.

I mean, I'm a fan of machinima as much as the next guy. And I admit, seeing video-game characters do something non-video-gamey is mildly amusing for about the first ten seconds. But this is something like the fifth time so far that I've seen World of Warcraft characters edited into a music video, and it's getting pretty old now.

The only truly funny WOW video I've seen so far is an unedited moment of actual gameplay, with the teamspeak audio track included. It's a group of adventurers planning a raid outside the entrance to some lair, and one of the idiot team mebers gets impatient and charges in before everyone else is ready, getting everyone killed due to the ensuing panic. (Don't have the link, sorry, but I'm sure someone else here can supply it.)
Tony Fabris