I discovered them during the MKI days, I believe on the original website. Friends and I sitting around discussed how great it would be to have your MP3 collection in your car, and somehow we stumbled across the empeg site and were amazed. We sent the link to all our friends but didn't get much response. They looked great but were just too expensive for us.
I had nearly forgotten about them, but luckily a friend (mafisto here) didn't. He discovered the BBS and must have lurked off and on. Once the firesale started, he called me and told me about it. We both ordered 60GB versions then, I suppose at that point we had better jobs and suddenly it felt affordable and worth it.
I still have my original in my car. I've got the car under a cover in the garage right now, but it'll be out when the snow stops flying. Even though I can stand to be away from it a while (the 6CD MP3 changer in my truck helps), I still love the empeg. In fact, I just ordered 2 new drives and the Eutronix button kit / installation service tonight