Shocked? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is further proof.

What I'm shocked about is this: The situation of RIAA vs. the world is so blatantly wrong that there MUST be an elegant maneuver to thwart/hurt the RIAA because of it, yet nobody has found out how.

Couldn't a grassroots anti-major-record-label revolution be launched via the Internet? Create a catchy revolution Flash video and seed it as a meme on the blogosphere, forums, chat groups, news groups, word-of-mouth social matrix. Something like "Corporate Rock Will Get YOU!!", showing the RIAA suing average users.

The moral of the message: stop buying major label / RIAA music. Support your local scene, find a new sound overseas, try a new genre; all thanks to sharing legal free music. Corporate = suing = bad, indie = free = good. RIAA sales drop, indie sales soar, grassroots win.

Surely if this idea were well packaged, it could flourish in the ether which wildfire-spread such quality material as Badgers, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, The Star Wars Kid, and Yatta.
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