If everyone's ordering food and there for the long haul, it's a bigger disturbance.
True- I assumed that B/C were eating (although the outline proposes that they are finished with their entres and are, possibly, headed for dessert) and that we would also eat (whether at the bar or at a table).
There's a subtle timing issue here that I didn't catch the first time around...
The wait for a table is about an hour. The wait for the couple at B/C to leave is likely less than that.
The wait for my dinner while sitting at the bar is likely as long as the wait for the couple at B/C to finish their restaurant visit.
So, I don't think it would be such an imposition (as far as the limited space available is concerned) to (however you got there) be seated at A/B and have a drink and order food.
I'm supposing that the original couple wouldn't mind shifting down a seat after their entre plates are removed and allowing us to order drinks and an appetizer while they enjoy their dessert. By the time they are ready to leave, our entres will arrive.
This help ease the image of four people crammed at the bar with knives and forks in hand and a full meal in front of everyone.
As long as everyone is congenial and genuine, the described situation shouldn't be improper in any way, shape, or form.
My $0.02
It's interesting to see the differences of opinion. Are these culturally based? Probably.
I've lived most of my life in California- which is no haven for top-notch manners. The Bay Area is not without regal flair, however. 
The initial post doesn't say where the restaurant is.
I may have pause when confronted with this situation in a place other than my own 'stomping grounds'.
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