Think: get paid $150K/year with 0% increase, or go for the 20% annual increase on a $80K/year salary ???
Point taken- I'm not making 150K/year if that helps 
For me it really isn't so much about the money (of course, money is why I ultimately go to work), but about feeling valued. Part of all of this is that I'm new to the company, but I'd rather have had no raise at all than what they gave me (1%), just because it feels like a slap in the face ("here, have an extra $20 per paycheck on us"). But I have to remember that I've only been here a few months and they don't really know what value I bring to the company. This all comes on the heals of a performance review in which I mostly "exceeded expectations", but apparently that doesn't mean much since I'm so new and thus expectations were low (I had no real objectives to meet). My main concern is that apparently a typical raise at this company is around 3%-4%, and that's a lot lower than what I've experienced in the past. Sounds like it isn't really out of line for the industry, though. Just not what I've experienced.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.