Sorry for jumping in a little late here.
I use a system called Geovision myself for home security, there are plenty of other solutions out there that do a similar thing, but this one is quite good, it lets you view the output of any camera on your PDA via WiFi, very neat! I use it to check who is at the front door, as my PDA is also my phone it's never too far away from me. It's a good solution and could work in your case too, and expand the system when baby is bigger to watch over different parts of the garden.
You could use an RF modulator and Picture in Picture on your TV/VCR to watch TV and baby at the same time, I quite often do that on my monitor here as it has PnP via a normal video signal too, although Geovision also has a web interface. I lthough I don't use the system for sound, not sure how it handles that?
One thing I would look out for is IR lighting, you are going to need that, you will be surprised at how little details can be seen if you draw the curtains etc... so baby can sleep. IR is a must I think! More so than colour? I have some very cheap cameras that do a good job (see attachment, although cobweb spoils it a little).
Good luck with everything, be sure to let us know when the big day is over.
274086-cam2.jpg (108 downloads)