I had some more weirdness tonight when trying to watch 24. During the first hour, there was a car crash when Jack was trying to get the bad guy. During that, my HD TiVo put me back to the screen where I can click on "resume playing" or "delete program" etc. When I tried to resume, it didn't start. Instead, I went to live TV, rewound to the beginning of the buffer (a bit after where the TiVo choked), and continued to watch. Later, when a commercial came on, I tried to use the 30 second skip button, and my TiVo rebooted...

After all this time and experience doing the PVR thing, you'd think these kinds of issues would be worked out.

Also, the processor used in the HD TiVo seems not up to snuff. Why the heck does it take 10 mins to boot? ...or set-up to record a new show for that matter?

Maybe DirecTV moving away from TiVo isn't such a bad thing, in the end...

So now I'm bit-torrenting 24 so that I can see what I missed. 17h 49m ETA... [Sigh]

- Jon