Mwaha. I've been waiting for a post like this. I play 3 or 4 nights a week and for the last couple of months I've been playing on one particular server - it's administered by Tactical Gamer. I discovered this server a couple months ago and can honestly say that it offers a completely different gaming experience. I can't go back to public servers at this point.

The thing about the TG server is, teamplay is mandatory. Squad members have to listen to Squad Leaders and SLs have to listen to Commanders. VOIP is pretty much a must. There are lots of long term players and you get used to a lot of the regular SLs. It's also pretty much constantly administered except for late at night. The server is also not ranked for various reasons.

Some of the matches we have are spectacular. The TG server really is the only server I've played on where everyone actually uses all of the tools available in the game. A lot of the squad leaders actually use the marker system to tell you where to go and UAV, Artillery and supplies aren't just haphazardly dropped.

All in all it's pretty sweet. Even when you're losing (sometimes badly), you can still have a good time if you have a decent squad. I would check it out.