My Karma's dead, the iAUDIO won't synch playlists (drag and drop and then build playlists on the player) and hasn't played my .ogg stuff either.
My media consists of music which is all MP3, and radio that is encoded from mp2 (DAB) to ogg. The Karma was ideal because it played ogg, and it supported bookmarks in a way that I could relate to (the iAUDIO bookmark feature bookmarks tracks, not where you are in a playlist)
A: Is there ANY player that has a similar interpretation of bookmarks?
B: Is there another player that I can synch via playlists
C: If there's a player that does a + b does it also play ogg
Should I not worry about ogg compatibility and just encode to AAC and get an iPOD
OR get something else that will synch with WMP and encode to wma
Any thoughts appreciated.