Okay, here's a little bit of background on US telephone companies that might help you understand what you're up against.

There are two types of traditional telcos. Local service and long distance. The local service companies provide you with the physical line and access to other people in your local area, local being about a 50 mile radius. Usually you can use the phone for that purpose all you want in return for a static monthly fee. Then the long distance companies are who you deal with to call remote locations. They usually charge you per minute, and that cost usually varies depending on distance.

Usually there is a single local service telco for a given region, but there are probably six of them across the country. There are four or so major long distance companies. The local telco is the one that provides you your telephone number. Until a couple of years ago, there was no way to move a number from one location to another, and it only changed due to a legal mandate.

So, traditionally, there is not any single company you can go to to get phone numbers for all around the country. And the major companies still work very traditionally. I imagine that it's unlikely that you're going to be able to get any of them to provide you with a variety of local numbers. You can get them through "minor" telcos, but they're minor and you might not want to work with them. I don't know. I know we went over the state of VoIP providers before and you seem to have been unhappy with the conclusion we arrived at there.

All that being said, what is the purpose of wanting all of these local numbers? If the idea is that you want people in the US to be able to call you easily at your cost, you could look into getting an 800 number or toll-free number. That is, there are a number of special area codes in the US, namely 800, 888, 877, and 866, that allow anyone across the country to call you without having to pay any long-distance fees. Effectively, they automatically reverse the charges to the recipient of the call. This might be more what you're looking for, and is very traditional for businesses in the US.
Bitt Faulk