Gidday: Unfortunately that Rio Site does not ship to Australia….
The EMPEG Store that used to ship overseas was closed all weekend with a big notice that says it will be back open Monday 12th only for accessory sales, it’s now Wednesday 14th I have checked it about 25 times, no joy, which is a bit sad for us in Australia as the dollar has dropped 2 cents since the store closed last week and has fallen daily to a bit of a sad all time low where if we could buy a 40 gig EMPEG will sting a bloke 4 thousand bucks + the 20% import duty
I wish there was some up to date news posts in the Announcements about what that Rio or EMPEG are up to, at least to keep us eager with something on the horizon and (God help me) stop us buying Neo’s. (like 5 times cheaper here)
It would be great to see some fresh official news as the saddest thing about checking the EMPEG site everyday is the blaring in your face Headline news of 30-October 2000, which is hardly keeping the customer base keen, up to date and well informed.

Sorry this was so sad.

By the way it’s “Cash Converters” here, not porn shops you funny Dillweed’s crack me up. ;-)

Alice Springs
Outback Australia