But it won't upconvert over component:
A special video processing circuit upconverts all signals to high-definition 1080i (more than a thousand lines of horizontal resolution) via HDMI output for use with compatible televisions.
That doesn't say that it won't upconvert over component, just that it will upconvert over HDMI. Are you a glass-half-empty kind of guy? 
I'm looking at the manual right now, and it lists the following resolutions:
1920 x 1080i
1280 x 720p
720 x 480p
1440 x 480i
1920 x 1080i
1280 x 720p
720 x 480p
720 x 480i
However, it does say this in regards to the initial issue posed by Bitt:
For 720p and 1080i resolution on the component
video out, only non-copy protected discs can be
played back. If the disc is copy protected, it will be
displayed at the 480p resolution.