The microwave idea is being looked as an alternative at although nobody seems to know much about it (that I know).
To find out about it, call one of your local radio stations and talk to the chief engineer. These days it is rare for the studio to be located at the transmitter site, and the audio signals and transmitter data go back and forth using a microwave link.
It is not horribly expensive -- peanuts compared to the cost of a 200 foot tower! -- but still a couple thousand dollars, and you'll need FCC licensing for it. Where I work we have four radio stations communicating via microwave to two different transmitter sites, one of them about 8 miles away, the other about 12, and to my knowledge there has not been a single second's downtime due to failure of the microwave system in the 12 years I have worked here.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"