Okay, well because you're asking to alter the music files so that they will only sound good when you're sitting in your specific car with your specific speakers, I doubt you'll see a CD ripper program with that feature available.

I wouldn't be surprised to see phase correction plug-ins for professional multitrack audio editing programs like Cakewalk and Logic Audio. You could also, theoretically, do it without a plug-in, in just about any multitrack audio editor, like so:

- Put the song into track 1, stereo.

- Put a copy of the song into track 2, stereo.

- Put a high pass filter on track 1, and a low pass filter on track 2. Adjusting the crossover points will be tricky so that you don't put a hole or a peak in the overall EQ curve, but it's do-able if you know the parameters for the filters.

- Whichever track you want to be delayed for a bit, shift that track forward in time by the appropriate number of milliseconds.

- Bounce that down into a regular stereo WAVE file and encode it with LAME.

- Repeat a few thousand times.
Tony Fabris