Is there a way to get the clock to display in player mode too?

Switch the info mode to Info: Line, or Info: Track. Then go to Settings, Timecode, Clock. You can also use the Clock visual.

Seems in order to get the clock to display (I lost my only clock in the stock radio - never thoguht of that!) I have to choose the clock visuals?

You can do the same thing as above. Also, when you are in Info: Radio mode, if the station broadcasts an RDS clock, the time will appear on that screen. It will probably be an incorrect time if you live in the US, since US radio stations are notoriously bad for broadcasting the correct time.

The Info: Line and Visual: Clock time is the player's internal clock, the Info: Radio clock is (if visible) the RDS clock.

Is there a way to tune the tuner one "step" at a time without the remote?

As was stated before, use the Hijack feature "knob seek", or use the remote.

and ever since the player does "rebuilding databases" on startup (...) Running 3A11

I have simply seen lots of weirdness and database corruption problems with the V3 alphas. If you want trouble-free synchs, version 2.0 final is the best one to use. If you want to use the radio scan feature, you might have to go to 2.0 Beta 13.

It also doesnt seem to go to "sleep" when powered off, it goes OFF (no flashing LED).

You either have a blown fuse, some kind of wiring error, or you've got the Negative Spike Bug.
Tony Fabris