OK, at the risk of letting even more people find out just how ignorant I really am, what's a BBE?

BBE is a company that creates audio signal processors. They've been around for years, mostly in the recording industry. Recently, they have been releasing consumer-level units.

Their signal processor is designed to take an audio stream (usually a complete final mix) and give it more definition and presence. I think it does this by some EQ, phase-correcting different frequencies, and some other DSP audio tricks.

A friend of mine owns one of the pro-audio BBE processors (in his recording studio), and it's interesting to A/B his mixes, listening with and without the processing.

Do you remember when you described to me the difference between the original Hemispheres album and the remaster? You said that the original sounded OK, but the remaster made it sound like you opened the door and walked inside the studio. The BBE processor does the same thing, to a certain extent.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris