Yes. It is obviously the FloorPlan app giving you the error, but it's misreporting the error.
I get exactly the same error from Paintshop Pro 9. PSP opens, but Windows still reports that it can't find the file named. Opening it with File -> Open works fine. The crashing afterwards, I don't get.
We might have to go through this step by step. Can you, Doug, first, export the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bmf key from your registry? Do this by navigating to the key in the LHS tree, and then by selecting File -> Export.
Obviously, the usual disclaimers to editing the registry apply, so definitely don't change anything.
Inside that key is a (Default) value with something else. This is how Windows finds the program to run. For example, .doc files have Word.Document.8 on my PC. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatever.it.said.here, and export that too.
Now, do the same things on the PC where it works and compare the two files. Be careful how you open them. Depending on your version of Windows, it'll default to merging them back into the registry. Rename them to .txt first, or something. They'll open in notepad just fine.
If you need a hand interpreting the two files, attach them here and we'll take a look. Depending on the content, you might need to compare some other registry settings.
Note that this is basically what Bitt's trying to walk you through, but he's looking at it from the UI side.
Then, once we've figured out what's different, you can just merge the correct bits and bobs back into the registry.