As far as moving, I think I am going to just go with the rental truck solution.

That's the route I went, when I moved from Toronto to Los Angeles. I like driving, though, and don't mind doing a 8+ hour days behind the wheel. Maybe it's a genetic thing -- my grandfather, grandmother, and my uncle were/are truckers. Maybe it's because I spend so much time sitting behind a desk that it's not that much different to me. I really enjoyed the trip, especially since it was basically the sum total of my vacation between the end of the previous job, and the start of the new one.

I was going to leave all my furniture and stuff behind, but the UHaul (the only company that would do one-way international) truck I ended up with was big -- the smaller ones were in pretty bad shape, and I'm not sure I'd have trusted them even for a local move. After I had all the stuff I wanted to take, the truck was still mostly empty, so I tossed in everything else, too. Totally haphazard. It does, of course, help that I can (and have), on my own, move every single piece of furniture I have -- including the 7' long hide-a-bed sofa.

Anyhow, the only problems I had were the lack of radio stations in the breadbasket of the US, and an ice storm when crossing into Colorado.