I agree, this is the wrong move for them. They're practicing a bit of "truthiness" here. Just because they say the initial price of the box scares away customers, they think people will buy into their new scheme. I know at least five people who would own a Tivo right now, but they were scared off when I told them about the $13/15 a month charge. Am I going to be able to sell them on spending $20 a month? Hell no!
R.I.P. Tivo
That is why you don't say 20 a month. You just say 469 for the box and three years of service.
P.S. TiVo already tried the other way. It was only 150 for lifetime service and 300+ for the TiVo and not many people came running.
Edited by Attack (09/03/2006 16:59)