Can't you ring them up and change that?

No, they just tell you it's not them it's the (I think) ITCA. You can put the channel in manually, as the other Andy pointed out, but that's not the point, the two advertising associations are aware of the anomaly and pursuing it. However, anything with commercial breaks, we make a point of recording on Freeview and then VideoReDo obligingly tells me where the commercials are, so that I can edit them out before we watch. That one half hour of local news we watch on the Beeb, where Sky curiously have us in the Yorkshire region.
After a year or more of me, and presumably countless others, pursuing Sky on the after 9.00 p.m. parental control, having told me that the software couldn't accept it, they gave me "1111" as a pin number. Sky tell us they are about choice, so I should be free to choose if I need a pin number or not.

N.B. "1111" is not my pin number for cash machines, ebay, Amazon or anything else! that, of course is "1234"!!!!!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag