And if you're going to do the Fifth Element, there is a Superbit version of the movie you can get, where the data compression is at the highest possible quality level.
One handy tidbit this version is also a Superbit version. They put the movie on one disc, and all the extras on a second.
This whole Superbit thing is news to me. From what I've read, the standard version was pretty darn good quality too but IIRC mine doesn't have any bonus features. It's one of the first DVDs I purchased, so we're talking 1999 or 2000.
I like the movie, but I have to admit, I was just trying to find anything remotely like Bladerunner to pacify me!
Bruce Willis is one of those actors that I'd never say was one of my favorites, but damn he picks some good movies to be in. 12 Monkeys, Fifth Element, Hudson Hawk
, etc.
Brad B.